Thanks to all of you who have purchased The Tooth a Matic. We have sold them all around the world including: Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, England, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, Europe and United States .
Thanks for your testimonials, Keep 'em coming! Don
Short video clip
Tooth-a-Matic Testimonials
Voted #1 Great Idea Pick in the Alpaca Index book .........."the Tooth a Matic is a must!"
Alpacas over the Rainbow ----------------------------------------- Don, thanks for making the Tooth a matic. they are great. First one I bought is on a farm ,............ so I'm now buying a second Tooth a matic. Can't do alpacas without one.
B. J. Campbell DVM Hanover Veterinary Services, Inc -----------------------------------------
BTW, we have a Tooth-o-matic and LOVE it.
Paula and Larry Vellozzi
AdoraBella Alpacas
I just purchased a tooth-a-matic this spring. It worked wonderfully!
Kate Brown Beech Springs Alpacas 126 Arthur Majette Rd AUlander, NC 27805 ------------------------------------------ Hi Don, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that the toothamatic is awesome! We had some shearers here last week and they used it on a few of our alpacas, and we could not believe how fast and easy it was to use, literally no stress for the animals, and it did a great job! What an awesome tool!
Don, just wanted to let you know that we received our Tooth-a-Matic and used it for the first time on one of our males. It was easy to use and did a nice job on the teeth- much easier on us and the animals than using ob-wire. We'll be using it again at shearing time and know that it will make quick work of the task. Thanks for a great product.
Dennis and Christy Pace Pacesetter Alpacas 5546 W. Plymouth Church Road Beloit, WI 53511 608-879-2770
------------------------------------------ Hi Don,
Yea!!! We did it. You where right!! It really wasn't that bad--and it literally took only seconds. I know that with alittle more "practice" it will go much smoother next time-but I could tell it was so much less stress to my boy than the last time when the vet used the Dremmel on his teeth. All we did was halter him, hold his head, open his mouth, hook to Tooth-A-Matic over his bottom teeth and ZIP we were done. I don't think he even realized what we did!! Thanks again for all you help and instruction!!
Take care and thanks again for your help, It will be neat to put the "before and after make over" picture of Stormy up. It really is a dramatic change and he seems to be eating so much better today
I meant to let you know how much I enjoyed my visit to your website the last time I emailed. I can't spend too much time there as I have fallen in love with Selena. I also remember the first time I saw the Tooth-A-Matic. The people we agist with love this tool!
.......................and let me tell you all, (** disclaimer//// I have no financial interest in this product or their farm-although i do covet their alpacas, lol), this has been a true gift to us here, we've used it over 2 years and recommend it to everyone, it's fast, efficient, safe and easy to use, why stress yourelf and your alpacas by using a dremel and water for over 20 minutes when you can use a toothomatic for 2 minutes..
sandy in magnificent minnesota ----------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to say that this year was our first year with our tooth a matic and it was so wonderful! we did it while our shearer was working, and between my smaller plate and her larger we were able to do everyone who needed it in record time. When you are shearing 20 or more in one day, it is really a blessing to have teeth trimming be so quick. What a difference from the dremel! We figured we saved at least $900 since we bought it last year. Between the actual charge for trimming, meds to calm them down (which we haven't had to use at all with the tooth a matic, in fact we even use it during herd health day without the restraints of the shearing table) gas to the vet, and after care for stress, it really adds up.
Don, now if you figure out how to make a mini tooth a matic for fighting teeth, I promise I will be first in line to purchase! What about an electric dog toenail trimmer sort of idea? (does that make sense?)
No relation here, just a happy customer! Slainte~ Wyatt & Rachelle Black -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WE love the Tooth-a-matic Our shearer loved it & bought one. he said he had seen them but wondered how well they worked. Lets just say that by the time he was done he had to have one! Heidi Noyes GreenMountain Criations ---------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the Tooth a matic....It helped us sell two of our animals! It was also very easy to use. One of the males had previously tried the dremel and he thought we were killing him. This time, it was easy and it was done before he even knew what happened! Very good tool! Thanks! Diana Blair
MESSAGE: Hello, Im in need of another tooth o matic. I let my shearer use mine and he loved it so much he bought it from me. Do you want me to go ahead and mail you a check for $175.00 like I did last time, or are you now set up to take credit cards? Thanks, Pam Fife Windy Hollow Alpacas
------------------------------------------------------ Hi, we have been using our new tooth a matic and we could not be happier with the outcome! Wow, it is so fast the alpacas do not even have a chance to stress. Been using it on several of our shearing jobs and all have loved it. Perfect cut every time. If only we had something as safe for fighting teeth, good luck with your design endeavors.
Take care all Darlene Alpaca at the Motherlode/Motherlode Alpaca ActonCalifornia
i trimmed my paca teeth by hand last year, started off with a side cutter, after 1 alpaca and 1/2 hour of hell went to a hand dremel, 4 exhausting stressful hours later teeth were done on all 8 pacas, so was i for the day, no energy left, for xmas i got a toothamatic. this year while they sheered my husband used the toothomatic,( the shearer even showed him an easier way to hold it! and recommended it highly), and sheered teeth in less then 1 minute per animal!(i did toenails with the side cutters at the same time, no i'm not related to them (The AlpacaRosa), get nothing from this at all, but it's sooo much less stressful for animals and for me that I just had to tell you's worth it, trust me. And its easy to learn to use, Terry is a pro now and we'll be showing our mentored farm how easy it is to use on their animals next month so they can get one of their own also. We don't tend to buy "gadgets" like a pooper vacumn etc, but this item truly helps, for both your animals and yourself, indulge. you'll be pleased. . it has really changed our lives. the difference in personality of a correct bite on an animal and one who can't eat properly is so amazing and the efficiency of it keeps everyones stress level way down sandy in minnesota Also, want to say, we used your tooth-o-matic on two of our animals. It worked great. What a nice tool to have around. Thanks Kelly Hi,
Marian Sykes here from Alpaca Ridge. I am the coordinator of the Silent Auction and Raffle for Mapaca. I was wondering if you would be willing to donate to the auction and raffle again this year. Your teeth trimming tool was loved by everyone last year. Let me know and have a great weekend.
Sincerely, Marian we have it and WE LOVE IT, it's so fast and easy to use, it makes them sooo much happier to have the proper teeth trimming and that makes US so much happier, thanks so much for making this!
Hello Don. Thanks so much for your prompt reply. I will go ahead and send you the $37, along with a diagram of Chaz's teeth so you can get an idea of the shape that would have to filed. I must tell you that the tool works great and, even more important to me, your responsiveness and willingness to help is very refreshing and, unfortunately, very unique in today's business world. If you ever need any endorsement or testimonial, please feel free to refer potential clients to us. Have a great rest of the weekend and we will get the drawing and check out to you within the next day or so. All the best,
Ron and Pam Harshman CampCamelid Fort Myers, FL33905
P.S. I love my toothamatic!
Katy Spears Fairhope Alpacas (251)929-0677
Well, we bought the tooth-a -matic from the AlpacaRosa last Christmas, used it for the first time about a month ago, and were absolutely thrilled with it. we were a bit intimidated by it at first, but my husband and I had a girl that just couldn't wait until sheering time(when we normally trim teeth with side cutters), so we gave it a whirl, me holding her still he measured and plugged it in, she balked, I stepped back and let her go for a minute. He scolded me for letting go (sighs) and we all started again. This time I held her still and within 20 seconds the job was done. Perfect teeth on a girl that began to act like she was a princess now, humming at me whenever we came in and actually nuzzling my husband. it changed her life having perfect teeth and eating easier. now we felt we needed to check everyone and the next weekend we had 3 males lined up for trims, me nervous again but no need, recalculating the trimmer took him a minute then I held and by the time the male got nervous and I was wondering how Id hold him if he bucked, it was over, in 15 minutes we did all my boys and were thrilled with the results. We didn't get any uneven cuts with those 4 pacas and tried to do our other girls last weekend, we got one uneven cut from a misaligned hand but evened it out with another fast cut. the trick is holding them still, the trimmer is extra fast and reduces their stress quite allot...disclaimer now, I have no association with Tooth a matic or AlpacaRosa and will make nothing from this, but what used to be a scary, fraught with danger(will I crack a tooth, will I cut a tongue, will she choke from a piece of tooth)) is now a quick painless job that we'll do every season...(I have found fyi that to hold them myself is easiest by basically pushing them against the side and back of the barn so the barn is holding their side still and the back is holding them from backing up and I hold their head and neck, we rarely have 3 people here so have learned to do things ourselves, putting them in a catch pen and haltering them doesn't work though, someone we know tried that, besides having an uneven cut from not being able to hold the mouth open enough from the halter I was told the animal can still back up in her catch pen)just my 2 cents... sandy kunath
The AlpacaRosa makes and sells the Tooth-a-matic. You can contact them directly for more info. Check out their site on
I haven't used the product myself, but have heard good reports about it. Susan Retzer Singalong Alpacas
.like the tooth a matic. It is wonderful! The two of us use it on our girls who need trimming, but do usually get a third person with one of our bigger boys. We also have taken it to a few other farms to help with trimming chores. Prior to getting that tool, we too had dreaded trimming teeth, as it took so long, and yes, we were always worried about getting a tongue or lip caught. This tool protects the alpaca from the cutting surface. We have found, though, that the incisors on either side of the two central ones, can end up being sharp (if they are high enough to be included in the cutting). But we've never seen it affect the alpaca's dental pad or lip afterward. My husband accidently got his finger in the mouth right after the trimming and found out first-hand how sharp the teeth could be. But that sharpness seems to be only temporary. This style tool certainly is fast, which relieves the alpaca's stress considerably. (And ours too.) It is designed so that you cut the proper amount of tooth off, but getting the angle right takes a bit of practice. We sometimes do two cuts, but that still is extremely fast compared to a dremel. We do it with the alpaca standing with it's rump against a wall, head held firmly, but it is really easy when they are on the shearing table. It really doesn't seem to bother them when the grinder blade cuts. The worst part for them seems to be when you put the device in their mouth. I've held enough of them to know for sure that they don't flinch at all when the actual cutting is being done. Their teeth are different than ours for sure... Lana Nickerson Foss Mountain Farm
Our IL Affiliate, IAOBA, purchased a Tooth-O-Matic to put our member library for our members to rent. It works great and everyone that has used it loves it. Steve is right, it is easiest to learn by watching someone actually use it. Shari Autumn Sky Alpacas Chillicothe, IL
We have one (Tooth a Matic) and it works great...simple, fast and gets the job done.... Kindest personal regards, Patricks' Pastures Alpaca Ranch & Habitat Jim Patrick